Reserve Bank of Australia 2025 meeting dates

27 Jan, 2025

The Reserve Bank of Australia's Board meets eight times a year, following the release of key economic data on inflation and economic activity.

RBA Announcement - December 2024

11 Dec, 2024

At its latest meeting, the Reserve Bank Board announced it was leaving the cash rate at 4.35 per cent.

The Value of Advice

4 Nov, 2024

The Russell Investments’ seventh annual Value of an Adviser Report revealed that Australian financial advisers added approximately 5.7 per cent in value to their clients over the past year.

Transition into Retirement

7 Oct, 2024

Research shows that Australians are increasingly working to older ages, which makes a transition to retirement (TTR) strategy a key planning tool if you have reached age 60.

Insuring against loss of income

2 Sep, 2024

Protecting income from unexpected illness and injury is particularly important to anyone with a mortgage to service, small business owners and self-employed people with no sick leave available.

Work Test Rules

5 Aug, 2024

When making super contributions when over 67 years old, to make the contributions deductible, you will need to satisfy the “Work Test”.

Next move for Interest Rates?

8 Jul, 2024

An interest rate cut is widely expected in September in the US but in Australia, many commentators predict a rate rise before cuts.

2024/25 Financial Year Tax Cuts

28 Jun, 2024

The Australian Government has made changes to individual income tax rates and thresholds. This will apply to all taxable income you earn from 1 July 2024.

A $4.2 billion budget surplus announced

20 May, 2024

Treasurer Jim Chalmers presented a Federal Budget with a surplus, but more importantly an economic strategy to help ease cost-of-living pressures.

Developing a Retirement Budget Plan

22 Apr, 2024

At FLP, we encourage our clients to live the life they want to live by developing a plan to enjoy their money.

6 year Primary Residence Rule

11 Mar, 2024

The 6 year Primary Residence rule allows you to turn your primary place of residence into an investment property for up to six years without having Capital Gains Tax (CGT) implications.

Superannuation Contribution Limits Increase

27 Feb, 2024

The concessional and non-concessional contribution caps are set to increase from 1 July 2024. These changes present an opportunity to further enhance your retirement position.

The 50/30/20 Budget

15 Jan, 2024

To achieve your financial goals in 2024, we need to know where our money is going. This is why having a budget is so important.

Why time in the market matters

4 Dec, 2023

While some argue that volatility could remain muted, others suggest it could increase again in 2024, citing an overheated market and credit market strains.

Sowing the seeds for a happy retirement sooner

6 Nov, 2023

The thought of retirement is an enticing one for many of us. Imagine throwing off the shackles of the workforce and being able to do whatever you want, whenever you want.

The Australian Dollar post-pandemic

6 Oct, 2023

It has been a wild ride for the Australian dollar since the Covid-19 pandemic struck and that could mean good news or bad news for your investment portfolio.

$109 Trillion Global Stock Market

27 Sep, 2023

Global equity markets have nearly tripled in size since 2003, climbing to $109 trillion in total market capitalisation.

Are tax returns still required when retired?

1 Aug, 2023

While income stream payments from super for those over age 60 are paid to you tax free, investment income and taxable Centrelink payments are still assessed.

Superannuaton Guarantee (SG) rate increase

3 Jul, 2023

The Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rate has increased from 10.5% to 11% as of 1st July 2023.

Three simple steps for financial wellness

6 Jun, 2023

If money’s too tight to mention, here’s some small steps that can make a big difference in achieving your financial goals.

Retirement planning: it's not all about the money

24 May, 2023

Retirement is often a massive life change for the majority of people who experience it. Most of us will have mixed emotions around the end of our working life and the beginning of our 'second half'.

Power Saving Bonus program

3 Apr, 2023

With cost of living pressures increasing, the Victorian government recently announced a new round of the Power Saving Bonus program for Victorian households.

How to thrive in a part-time role without being overworked

3 Mar, 2023

Many sole traders go into business for themselves in order to gain more flexibility and the chance to work less days per week than the regular nine-to-five. But how do you make sure you actually achieve that much-needed time off? Business coach and author, Belinda Morgan, shares her best advice for maintaining your part-time hours.

Money saving tips for travel

6 Feb, 2023

Travelling cheaply needn’t mean you miss out. Find out the best ways to save big on your overseas holiday plans, and make the most of every dollar.

2022 Year in Review

31 Jan, 2023

The year began on an optimistic note, as we finally began to emerge from Covid restrictions. Then Russia threw a curve ball that reverberated around the world and suddenly people who had never given a thought to the Reserve Bank were waiting with bated breath for its monthly interest rate announcements.

The challenges of market timing

9 Dec, 2022

When markets fall, it's natural to want to take action to prevent further losses. Doing so however can do more harm than good. Here's why timing the market to buy low and sell high is not as easy as it sounds.

How much Super do I need to retire?

7 Nov, 2022

Working out how much you need to save for retirement is a question that keeps many pre-retirees awake at night. Recent market volatility and fluctuating superannuation balances have only added to the uncertainty.

World Population

3 Oct, 2022

By the end of 2022, the eight billionth human being will enter the world, ushering in a new milestone for humanity.

Six ways to pay off your mortgage faster

12 Sep, 2022

Paying off your mortgage early will save you money and take a financial load off your shoulders. Here are some ways to get rid of your mortgage debt faster.

Five investing tips for beginners

8 Aug, 2022

Here are five investing tips for those who are just beginning their investment journey.

The $100 Trillion Global Economy

4 Jul, 2022

Despite the current economic challenges, the global economy has now surpassed $100 trillion in global economic output.

Time in the Market

17 Jun, 2022

With a high level of market volatility currently experienced, it is worth remembering “it’s about time in the market, not timing the market”.

Super Guarantee Increase to 10.5% on 1 July 2022

26 May, 2022

The Superannuation Guarantee (SG) rate is set to increase from 10% to 10.5% from 1st July 2022.

Changes to the Work Test

14 Apr, 2022

The Government announced recently that superannuation rules will no longer require an individual age 67 to 74 to meet the Work Test to be able to contribute to super.

How discipline has paid off for share market investors

1 Mar, 2022

Investors worldwide have been rattled by the heightened volatility on share markets over recent weeks.

Sea Change or Tree Change?

7 Feb, 2022

Australians are leaving capital cities in droves in a phenomenon being referred to as ‘The Great Relocation’. However, there’s a lot to consider beyond the obvious appeal of waking up to the laughter of kookaburras or enjoying a long walk on the beach.

Kicking financial goals in 2022

3 Jan, 2022

After a difficult year of COVID disruptions and uncertainty in 2021, it’s a chance to now refresh and reflect on the year that was and hopefully set some goals for year ahead.

The gift of giving this Christmas

1 Dec, 2021

Christmas is a time when we come together to celebrate with our family and friends. And, for those who haven’t been able to see friends and family due to border closures, it will be an even more joyous occasion this year.

Working from home benefits

1 Nov, 2021

Recent lockdowns have caused businesses to re-assess how staff conduct their work. Research shows working from home “WFH” brings two-fold benefits.

Changes to Income Protection

4 Oct, 2021

Since October 1, there have significant changes made to Income Protection for new policy holders.

Investing lessons from the pandemic

6 Sep, 2021

When the COVID-19 pandemic hit financial markets in March 2020, it was a timely reminder of some valuable investment principals.

Go for gold to achieve your goals

2 Aug, 2021

The recent Olympic Games was a good reminder to inspire yourself to achieve your own remarkable performances through hard work and determination.

Increase in the Super Guarantee

9 Jul, 2021

If you are an employee, the amount your employer contributes to your super fund has just increased to 10 per cent of your pre-tax ordinary time earnings from 1 July, up from 9.5 per cent.

Tax Time Preparation

30 Jun, 2021

As the end of the financial year approaches, now is a good time to check some new and not so new ways to reduce tax and boost your savings.

Super Contribution limits to increase

12 Apr, 2021

From 1 July 2021, the concessional contribution cap is set to increase from $25,000 p.a. to $27,500 p.a. allowing more funds to be added into your retirement savings.

Changing Travel Destinations

15 Mar, 2021

Many Aussies are born with the travel itch, and while the COVID-19 pandemic has put an end to far-reaching destinations for now, it does not your travel adventures have to stop.

Planning for Retirement

7 Feb, 2021

Planning your dream retirement can be an exciting time. The chance to travel, time or pursue new hobbies, the possibilities are endless, but what will it cost?

Setting New Year financial goals

17 Jan, 2021

New Year is traditionally the season of fresh starts and personal resolutions. Along with diet and exercise, getting ahead financially is often what many aim to do.

Have you lost the art of starting a conversation?

3 Dec, 2020

When was the last time you had a lengthy chat to a friend over the phone or, rarer still, a decent face-to-face catch up?

Is food delievery eating into your budget?

10 Nov, 2020

The Australian food delivery industry is booming, with the ABS reporting an 18% increase in take-away spending over just three years.

Knowing your Credit Score

8 Oct, 2020

Most Australians are only vaguely aware – or completely unaware – of the fact that credit-reporting agencies monitor their financial transactions.

JobKeeper Changes

1 Sep, 2020

The new rules to JobKeeper mean that from 28 September, businesses need to show their turnover has fallen by 30 per cent in the September 2020 quarter, compared to the same period last year.

Work test to kick in at age 67

9 Aug, 2020

Under changes to the work test, if you are aged 65 or 66 you can now put money into super even if you aren’t working. This gives people flexibility to make voluntary catch-up contributions to your retirement savings.

Instant asset write-off extended

13 Jul, 2020

To further support Australian businesses through the fallout resulting from COVID-19, the government has extended the $150,000 instant asset write-off for an additional six months to 31 December 2020.

The Homebuilder program

1 Jun, 2020

The Government has announced the new HomeBuilder program to support jobs and boost demand in the residential construction sector at a time when needed.

Health benefits of drinking tea

4 May, 2020

Tea, especially green tea, is often said to be good for your health. Tea contains substances linked to a lower risk for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.

Temporary Access to Super

10 Apr, 2020

As part of the measures taken by the government to support those impacted by COVID-19 some people will be able to access up to $10,000 of their super funds.

JobSeeker or JobKeeper?

20 Mar, 2020

In a rapidly evolving response to the spread of COVID-19, the Federal Government announced in March a new suite of welfare packages to help Australians who've found themselves out of work. Among them are the JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments. Here’s a rundown of how they work:

The benefits of gardening

13 Feb, 2020

Whether you’re growing fruit and veggies, flowers or succulents, getting your green thumb on can have a surprising number of health benefits.

The average cost of Christmas

19 Dec, 2019

With the cost of Christmas festivities rising from year to year, it can be a jolly expensive time of year.

What is a standard house size?

6 Nov, 2019

Despite the average Australian house size at an all time low of 18sqm, Australians are still building big free-standing houses.

How much is the average mortgage?

24 Oct, 2019

An average home loan is close to $400,000, which may sound impressive in some parts of the country.

How much should I expect to get back on my taxes?

24 Sep, 2019

The ATO refunds billions of dollars each year, so how much should I expect to get back?

When do we become a cashless society?

22 Aug, 2019

With tap and go payments how much longer will we be still using cash as a form of payment?

New super changes

10 Jul, 2019

From 1 July 2019, inactive super accounts with no contributions or rollovers received over 16 months will lose their insurances benefits.

5 EOY Tax Strategies

14 Jun, 2019

With tax time just around the corner, we thought we will briefly outline some useful tax effective end of financial year strategies.

Staying fit and healthy this winter

30 May, 2019

As we head into the coldest months of the year, it’s important to know how to stay fighting fit this winter.

Research reveals most Australians don't have a Will

3 Apr, 2019

MORE than half of Australian adults don’t have a will, even though it could mean their families are left out in the cold in the event of their death.

Does money buy happiness?

1 Mar, 2019

How important is money to your overall wellbeing? And what role does money play in achieving happiness; can money actually buy you happiness?

Work-Life Balance

7 Feb, 2019

Do you live to work, or work to live? Work is a necessary evil, but if you can get the right balance between work and your life, the journey can be more rewarding for you.

Achieving New Year Resolutions!

14 Jan, 2019

Happy New Year ! For many of us a new year is a fresh start and an opportunity to try something new or to recommit to those tasks you put on hold.

5 Savvy Money Tips For Christmas

12 Dec, 2018

With Christmas around the corner, we have 5 money tips to share with you in preparation for Christmas.

The cost of raising kids

16 Nov, 2018 | FLP

It’s only natural to want the best for the children in your life, but wanting “the best” for our children can often mean serious implications for the household budget.

The benefits of owning a pet

10 Oct, 2018

A research study by Beyondblue outlined some of the benefits of owning a pet for your emotional and psychological wellbeing.

Australia's growing population

13 Sep, 2018 | FLP

The Australian population has edged past 25 million. What could this mean for the future financial wellbeing of everyday Australians?

Living comfortably in retirement

3 Sep, 2018

At FLP, we encourage our clients to live the life they want to live by developing a plan to enjoy their money.

New changes to Childcare

23 Aug, 2018

The New Childcare subsidy took affect from 2 July 2018, replacing the two previous payments - Child Care Rebate and Child Care Benefit.

New downsizing strategy

14 Aug, 2018

Downsizing the family home is often part of the longer-term financial plans for many. New legislation now allows for a new super strategy.

3 Reasons to meditate at work

10 Aug, 2018

More and more corporate leaders and employees are finding a few moments to meditate during their work day. Find out why... 

10 tips to teach kids before 10

8 Aug, 2018

In a recent Radio Eastern Show, we outlined the 10 Money Tips to teach your kids before they turn 10.

Saving tips for first home buyers

20 Jul, 2018

Buying a house is exciting and life-changing; saving the deposit is a little less fun. But the more money you put down upfront, the less...

5 Free Fitness apps to help get through this winter

1 Jul, 2018

Mid-year is a reflective time of the year, you might be assessing whether you have achieved...