
Reserve Bank of Australia 2025 meeting dates

The Reserve Bank of Australia's Board meets eight times a year, following the release of key economic data on inflation and economic activity.

These meetings usually start on a Monday afternoon and conclude the following day. The decision that the Board comes to at the end of each meeting is published on the RBA website that day at approximately 2:30pm. The Governor holds a media conference after each Board meeting to explain the decision.

In 2025, we can expect the RBA Board to meet on the following dates: 

  • 17–18 February
  • 31 March–1 April
  • 19–20 May
  • 7–8 July
  • 11–12 August
  • 29–30 September
  • 3–4 November
  • 8–9 December


To see the history of the RBA's previous announcements, visit the Latest Media Releases page on their website.